Here is your guide to the different record and item status you will encounter in organizing and transacting your records in Buklod:
Record Status #

The record has been deleted and can be restored via the ‘Trash’ utility.

The record has been weeded out. To restore it, you must delete it first.

The record has been imported from a source and has not been modified yet in any way.

The record still requires other information.

The record is ready for revision.

The record has been checked by the assigned reviser.

The record has been validated by the head of the Cataloging Section or a senior cataloger and can be locked so that no one can modify the record.
Item Status #

The holding has been deleted from the database.

The holding is in active status.

The holding is still in preparation

The holding has been pulled out from the shelves to undergo repair

The holding serves as the master copy and is not for circulation

The holding has been reported as lost by the borrower

The holding is not in active status due to its condition, usage, etc.

The holding is missing from the collection after an inventory or search. The library is liable for ‘Missing’ items

The holding has not been returned by the borrower after recalls

The holding is an electronic resource that can be accessed by OpenAthens or authorized accounts