This module component helps you to view circulation transactions and circulation statistics reports of your Section or Unit or CU, and allows you customizing it by filling out the various fields. Always take note with the Circulation Staff roles privileges, as the Circulation Staff & Manager can only view reports of their unit library, while CU Head Circulation Services staff can view reports of the entire Constituent University.

Circulation Transactions #

To generate circulation transactions reports, fill out the following fields:

Data Set: Unreturned Items, Unreturned Items with Overdue, Returned Items with Overdue, Patron Transaction History, Item Transaction History

Transaction Mode: Real-Time Transactions, Backlog Transactions

Transaction Type: Check-Out, Check-In, Renewal, Pay Fines, Declare Lost, Settle Lost Item

Circulation Type: Regular Circulation, One-Week Book, Reference Book, Reserve Books, For Staff Use Only, Three-Day Book, Two-Day Book

Collection/Sub-Location: Reserve Collection, Stacks Area (Note: You may add other Sub-Locations here if you have any in your Section or Unit)

Shelving Location: (Note: You may add Shelving Location if you have any in your Section or Unit)

Borrower Group: Administrative Staff (Full-Time), Administrative Staff (Part-Time), Faculty (Full-Time), Faculty (Part-Time), Graduate Student, Non-UP Contractual, PGH Employee, Research Extension and Professional Staff, Undergraduate Student, UP Contractual

Then, tick the box of the fields you need for your report:

Take note of the fields with check marks as they are already default fields. In filling out, keep in mind that choosing to keep a field blank or not choosing any from the choices means you choose all of the options. As much as you limit each field by choosing one from the choices, your report to be generated will be more specific and will not take long in generating it.

Click the Generate Report button once you’re done filling out and selecting the needed fields. Then, click the Download Report button. Generated report will be in Excel format.

Circulation Statistics #

To generate circulation statistics reports, fill out the following fields:

Data Set: Stats by Borrower Group, Stats by Transaction Type, Stats by Circulation Type, Stats by Class Code, Most Avid Readers, Most Borrowed Titles

Transaction Scope: Unit Transactions, Individual Transactions

Transaction Type: Check-out, Check-in, Renewal, Pay Fines, Declare Lost, Settle Lost Item

Circulation Type: Regular Circulation, One-Week Book, Reference Book, Reserve Book, For Staff Use Only, Three-Day Book, Two-Day Book

Click the Generate Statistics button once you’re done filling out the needed fields. You may also choose any of the formats available for your generated report.

Take note that in generating circulation statistics reports will depend on the role assignment of the staff. For the staff with the “Circulation Staff” role, they can only generate their own statistics; while, for the staff with “Circulation Manager” role, they can generate the statistics of all of the staff within their section or unit library. And for the “CU Head Circulation Services” role, they can generate the entire CU’s statistics.

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