This module component allows you to manage library patrons’ book reservations. Reservation of books will be done at the Search Module by the library patron, while the reservation list can be accessed under the Circulation Module. Take note that library patrons may only place a reservation on “Regular Circulation Books” and when all copies for circulation are currently on loan or have been put on hold (reserved.) The system will also allow patrons to reserve unlimited titles of books.

For quick search of materials reserved by patrons you may encode the title, author, or the year of the book at the search box. Click the title of the book to view the queue.

For those who wish to cancel their reservation, library personnel must click the cancel button located at the right most part.

The validity of the reservation will expire after 3 days from the due date of the on loan books. Once there is an available copy, the library patron will receive an update through his/her email.